1st day, Bourges, France, Sunday, 30th of april 1995, Le Printemps de Bourges

Bourges is a very nice and really old village with a massive cathedral. When I was on my bicycle tour from Switzerland to St. Nazaire to meet the Skatalites for the first time, I drove through Bourges. This time three years later, I arrived by train. Looking for the biggest festival in France and one of the biggest in Europe (at that time).
Find more infos about the festival in the archives of Le Printemps de Bourges.
We all went to a tent to have dinner. I remember that Youssou N’Dour came in with his entourage. I also remember we were talking about Randys and Phil Yap. I can’t remember who (I guess it was Lloyd Knibb) said, that Phil Yap always brought a big bag of ganja into the sessions and was looking very good after the musicians, that’s why the sessions became that special power. We all were sitting at a long table inside a huge tent with many different buffets full of food. You had the choice to take whatever you liked. That’s why the ambiance was great. There were a lot of stars and lower stars inside that same place. A really fantastic place in my memory.

I guess the performace was held at the place called “Magic Mirrors” (almost in the middle).
I remember the drive to the tent, where the show would be. We went by van, where Rolando put his saxophone case up to the filling place of the van. While everything went well in the beginnen, the saxophone case felt in a curve, straight to Doreens head. It must hurt a lot, but Doreen stayed calm. Lloyd Brevette comfort her. It was a moment of silence in the van. Luckily Doreen wasn’t injured, the show was not in danger.
Late that night we went to the place, where just Clifton Chenier just take off the stage with his accordeon. We were present to see the encore. Then the tent went empty and the Skatalites took the soundcheck. I can’t remember well, but I was placed at a table almost outside the tent to sell very little t-shirts. The tent was only for professionals. Journalists from all around. I have no idea, who was in the audience, but it was full and it was great.

After the show we went to the hotel.

The address changed a bit, the name as well, but that was the place:
Website today: printemps-bourges.com