audio samples Case à Chocs DJ. Ras Claude I was ... Neuchâtel NoF-NoF session pictures Reggae Switzerland

NoF-NoF session with DJ Clat at Case à Chocs 1992

DJ Clat as part of The Roots Connection played a set of tunes at the NoF-NoF session in Neuchâtel on Saturday, August 15 in 1992. The story begins at the Mad Lighters show in Luzern (see this blog entry) when Alain Salvi heard my selection. He told this to NoF-NoF who was responsible for the […]

DJ. Ras Claude I was ... Luzern (Lucerne) Reggae Restaurant Widder Switzerland

The Ganglords live 1987

The Untouchable Sybille Meets The Ganglords, Restaurant Widder, Luzern, Sat, 26-December-1987, my very first – very spontaneous performance as DJ. Philipp asks my brother Roger to play some music to the audience before the live show. It is the very first time that my brother and I play some music to an audience.

gallery album I was ... in the audience Jugendhaus newspaper pictures pictures by Franziska promo material Reggae Ska Switzerland Zug

Desmond Dekker 1987 in concert Jugi Zug

Desmond Dekker in concert at Jugendhaus Zug Switzerland on 19th of November 1987 with pictures on stage

audio samples gallery album I was ... in the audience recording Reggae Switzerland Zurich

Culture and Misty In Roots Albisguetli Zurich 1986

Culture and Misty In Roots live in concert at Schützenhaus Albisgütli, Zurich on Friday, 21st of November 1986 This event is deeply in memory as one of the most powerful concerts I’ve every visited. The first act was Misty In Roots with horns. Everything was deep roots. And then Culture with a horn section … […]

audio samples GZ Heuried I was ... in the audience recording Reggae Switzerland Zurich

Pablo Moses live GZ Heuried Zurich 1986

Pablo Moses live in concert at Gemeindezentrum Heuried on Thursday, 23rd of October 1986 supported by The Roots Operator sound system I remember Pablo Moses not as a friendly showmaster. It looked to me, as he’s angry about everything. But maybe it was just too cold. Or whatever. The sound was fantastic and I enjoyed […]

GZ Heuried I was ... in the audience Reggae Switzerland Zurich

Junior Murvin live in Zurich 1986

Junior Murvin live at GZ Heuried, Zurich Fri, 10-October-1986. I truly have no picture of this event. Nothing, but a little recording. Junior Murvin is best known for “Police And Thieves”. For further details on his life, visit wikipedia. Here you can listen to some examples from the show in Zurich I recorded with my […]

audio samples Eulachhalle in the audience paintings by Ras Claude promo material recording Reggae Switzerland Winterthur ZH

Reggae Sunsplash Festival 1986 Winterthur

Reggae Sunsplash Festival 1986 Winterthur Switzerland with Dennis Brown, Black Uhuru, Aswad, Wailers, Barbara Paige

audio samples I was ... in the audience open air recording Reggae Switzerland Zuchwil SO

The Gladiators live Zuchwil Open Air 1986

The Gladiators live in concert at the Zuchwil Open Air, Sunday, 22nd of June 1986 The first Gladiators show in Zurich (at GZ Heuried) was amazing. But this one kept in mind, soul and body. This samples from the live show can’t transport the dynamic of the show. It was starting with my cousin Daniel […]

I was ... in the audience Reggae Rote Fabrik Switzerland Zurich

Roots Operator Johnny Godasher Rote Fabrik Zurich 1986

The Roots Operator sound system featuring Johnny Godasher (Jamaica) at Africa Liberation Day, Saturday, 24th of May 1986 at Rote Fabrik, Zurich Africa Liberation Day at Rote Fabrik. I don’t remember, if this was my first visit at Rote Fabrik, but in the 80’s Zurich was hot and sometimes burning fire hot. This flyer was […]

I was ... in the audience recording Reggae Switzerland Volkshaus Zurich

Steel Pulse Volkshaus Zurich 1986

Steel Pulse live in concert on Saturday, 19th of April 1986 at Volkshaus in Zurich I haven’t digitalized the tape yet, I have no audio sample by hand. There is not much to say about that concert. It was amazing. I love Steel Pulse essentially. Easy to say, this was my first show with this […]