Black Sunday with Roots Operator Sound System plus Junior Indian and Ras Claude live performance at Kanzlei, Zurich, Sun, 12 April 1998. I was not invited as DJ but as flutist. I just played some tunes with Junior Indian at the controls. Funny fact: the 13th is Monday. The announcement is for Sunday the 13th, […]
1st Skaggae Festival Luzern with Shame & Skandal Family, Quatre In Toulouse, Ska-Ta-Leicht, TJ & Power Contact, Ras Snöggi (Ras I), DJ Ras Claude and very special guests with Daniela & The Connection Dance Ensemble from Cham and Jackie Song at Sedel Sat, 28 February 1998 is running for the “Fitness Statt Drogen”-campaign and presented […]
Finissage “Mit Atlas Tours unterwegs” by Joe Weibel and live in concert Ska-Ta-Leicht at the gallery Baslerhof, Luzern, Fri, 30 January 1998. Joe Weibel – Gallery Baslerhof Gallery Baslerhof is owned by Joe Weibel. He invited Ska-Ta-Leicht to perform a concert inside the gallery for the Finissage of his exhibition of paintings he did, while […]
The Skatalites on the Ball Of Fire Tour at New Morning in Paris Wed, 26-November-1997. To meet the band for a last time I took the train to Paris to see them, before the tour ended. It’s a very personal moment. I love them all from deep in my heart and I miss them all […]
The Skatalites live on Ball Of Fire Tour at Bierhübeli Bern Sun-Nov-9-1997 with Tobias TJ on guitar and Ras Claude on flute. This is my one-and-only special moment with The Skatalites on stage. But the full story can be found here. More infos of the Ball Of Fire Tour here. And from the last day […]
The Skatalites Ball Of Fire Tour 1997 from Thu, 16-October-1997 to Fri, 24-October-1997. You find all the details on this tour on the Skatalites blog with Schedule, Tour Members and day-by-day: Thu, October 16: France, Bordeaux, Lune dans le caniveauFri, October 17: France, Apremont, Le Grand DucSat, October 18: France, Rennes, day-offSun, October 19: France, […]
Opening of the Yves Scherer exhibition “Weisskittel” with live concert by Ska-Ta-Leicht at Tim Buktu, Luzern, Sat, 11 October 1997. The term “Weisskittel” means lab coats, that’s why we were wearing white coats. This little stage is just enough for us three. Nonsi our guitarist is absent for this concert. We did it as trio. […]
La Cigale with Shame & Skandal Family at La Fourmi, Luzern on Sat, 21-June-1997.
Release party of Skampler 3 with Shame & Skandal Family and others at Wasserwerk Bern on Sun, 01-June-1997. Nothing is confirmed, I have no souvenirs for this event. It’s a Skandal.
Shame & Skandal Family live in concert at Restaurant Pilatus, Luzern, Sat, 16 November 1996. I was just a special guest to play “Rockford Rock” with the band.