Hallenstadion I was ... in the audience Rock Switzerland Zurich

Roger Waters live Zurich 1984

Roger Waters, Pros And Cons Of Hitch Hiking Tour 1984 feat. Eric Clapton and Michael Kamen at Hallenstadion, Zurich on Tuesday, 3rd of July 1984

There is a nice fan site about the whole tour (here).

This tour picture is from that page as well.

Picture taken from pulse and spirit com

This was my first big concert. I was with my brother Roger on the ground floor quite close to the stage. The first part of the show was like a theatre with a play of The Wall. After a pause the second part started with the Pros & Cons Of Hitch Hiking. Suddenly I felt bad, my head was heated, sweat was running cold. I wasn’t able to keep standing. After a little rest (in the middle of thousands) I had to leave the place to find a toilet. Finally it was about time to bring something out, after that, it was great to go back to my brother and the concert. The second part wasn’t that great. I still don’t own this album from that tour and Eric Clapton wasn’t the best choice for the guitar part.

When I saw Pink Floyd 1988 in Berlin, it was not as fantastic as Roger Waters with his live band.

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