Bill Smith bill smith

Keyboard player for The Skatalites between 1993 and 1998. New York based.

Basel Bimbo Town Switzerland
first ever swiss show
left to right: Bill Smith, Tommy Mc Cook, Roland Alphonso, Devon James
Bill & Lester in Barcelona on the way to find a toilet for a bigger business... 1996
Bill at Soundcheck in the Rockstore in Montpellier 1996
Bill on top, near Lausanne 1996
Bill & Will in Torino 1996, Bill with the Honer melodica from the original Selmer store in Paris
Bill with House Of Rhythm on the Skasplash tour 1996 in Helsinki (three shows on one evening!)
Bill in Tourcoing 1997
Bill & Rolando Alphonso near Brest 1997
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